Saturday, June 19, 2010

Art in Food?


Maybe I'm just craving sweets while I'm writing this, maybe I'm just too tired, or maybe I actually believe cooking is an art. I think it's a mix of all three. I was watching the show Ace of Cakes on the Food Network and I realized that food can be really pretty. And most importantly, edible.

For example, the cake shown on the left just looks amazing! It's insane how anyone could craft such a thing out of food. I'm not so sure how it would taste though, but I wouldn't want to take the first bite and ruin it. I love the detail and the fun colours of it. You can tell that the people that made it are really creative and talented.

It's when I look at things like this that I want to learn how to cook. Ever since a kid I've wanted to, but I'm lazy (I've probably mentioned this before) and I just never got around to it. But then again, my mom said I have to learn this summer if I don't get a job or get an extra credit. So I guess when I'm forced to learn these things I'll enjoy doing it. Of course, I'm not going to learn how to bake things like cookies and cake, but I really want to know how to cook my own traditional Indian food. That's what I'm going to want to eat if I move away for University.

There's even art in Indian food, though, and that's what I love. Everything can be made to look unique and attractive.

Well that's all for now, if you don't already watch the show Ace of Cakes, check it out, but try not to get hungry:)

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