Thursday, February 24, 2011

Movie Trailer Project - I am Number Four

Happy Thursday!

This is my first year three project for tech. We had to change the mood of a movie trailer by adding music, soundeffects and voiceovers.

I worked on the movie trailer for I am Number Four. It's about an alien who has been sent to earth with eight others to help restore the planet. The first three have been destroyed, and John is Number Four; they can only be killed in sequence, so he is next. It's an action movie, with a little bit of romance. I decided to play up the romance a bit, but made it into a tragedy.

These are the three trailers/ interviews I used for footage:

Here's my version/remake on the trailer:

In my version, it appears as though the female lead, Sarah, does not trust him. Slowly they begin to like each other more but she is still cautious. Close to the climax John says, "You aren't safe here." He's brought danger to her and they need to be careful. The last few clips of the trailer show them running and Sarah is taken away. She falls off a cliff. John is then devastated he could not do anything and jumps. As the veiwer, you aren't sure if they actually die... so watch the movie to find out:). But it actually doesn't exist. So watch the actual I am Number Four.

In the words of Tigger, TTFN!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Paint Sound Sculptures

Paint sound sculpture, click for more
Now playing: Marry You - Bruno Mars
Now reading: The Red Pyramid - Rick Riordan

I thought that might be a good way to start off my blog posts. I saw this and thought it was really interesting. For a printer advertisement, Canon used these paint sound sculptures in their commercial.

I actually stumbled upon this (using stumbleupon) and it caught my attention immediately.

The way this was done was by wrapping a membrane around a speaker, and dropping a few paint drops on the membrane. When the speaker was turned on the paint would bounce up and down.

My mind was blown when I read this. It's such a cool and creative piece, and a great idea for a commercial. If you want to see how it was done, here's the video:

Canon Pixma: Bringing colour to life from Dentsu London on Vimeo.

I really love the colours. They're so vibrant and dramatic.  I imagine it would have been difficult and fun to do at the same time, as they needed to take the picture at exactly the right moment.

That's all for this week. Have a good long weekend:)

Garageband Tutorial and Other Happenings

Hello hello,

Happy Friday! Well kind of happy, it's been a long week, especially the past two days. I was also supposed to do this tutorial about a week ago, but me being me I procrastinated, so I'll be doing two posts today. Sound fun? Kay good:)

So this is the tutorial I found, for iMovie. In class we're currently working on a movie trailer project. We have to edit a movie trailer in a way that the mood of the trailer is changed. For example editing a romance so it is perceived as a horror film. I'll write more about it when I post my finished project up.

For now I thought I'd share this tutorial on iMovie that I found. It was actually my first time using iMovie, and thinking back I should have watched a tutorial before starting, as it would have made this project easier. I managed though and now I know the progam quite well.

This is a good video that shows beginners where everything is and the basic ins and outs. I'd reccomend it to anyone who is new to the program and woud like to try it out.

Friday, February 4, 2011



This is my first post in the new semester, and I'll be writing about myself, starting with how I joined CyberArts.

When I was in grade eight and applying for high school, I wasn't sure that I would make it into the program, and I didn't audition. When I was in grade nine, I heard about the opportunity to join the program for year two. I auditioned and I fortunately was accepted into the program without taking the first year of CyberArts.

I really enjoy the program and I'm excited about the new semester for year three. Last year in tech I really enjoyed the typography and the self portrait, although the portrait took much longer than it should have to finish. I liked the HTML portion, and we made a website to show our portfolios.

I feel I'm open to many styles of art. Some days I really like bright and fun pieces, but sometimes I lean towards darker styles. I think it really depends on my mood.

Programs I'm familiar with are Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop; I've worked with things like Flash and Dreamweaver before, but only a few times.

Things I like doing outside of school are acting (although recently I haven't auditioned for anything because school has been so demanding), dancing, reading and drawing. My favourite subjects at school are  biology, chemistry (I think, I have it this semester, so I'll see if I really like it), physics and CyberArts. I usually like school but it can be overwhelming at times. Another thing I really love is food.

There is so much variety of food that it's hard to list. I like almost anything my mom or grandma makes, so I love Indian food. It's very flavourful and different. I could eat pasta every day if I had to, especially with lots of vegetables and spicy sauce. I like pizza, especially my mom's, and like the pasta, with many vegetables in it.

I really enjoy shopping. I don't usually buy things, but I love window shopping. If I could, I would buy five pairs of shoes everyday. I would probably have a pair of shows for every outfit I own. The only downside is that I'm extremely clumsy and I can't walk in very high heels. One of the reasons I like winter is because the styles of clothing are just so much better. I love layering clothes with scarves and sweaters. Although I love clothes, I always prefer sweatpants of PJs. We were off for about a week between the end of exams and the start of semester two, and I wore jeans only once.

I think I wrote quite a bit; I hope you now know a bit about myself!