Thursday, February 24, 2011

Movie Trailer Project - I am Number Four

Happy Thursday!

This is my first year three project for tech. We had to change the mood of a movie trailer by adding music, soundeffects and voiceovers.

I worked on the movie trailer for I am Number Four. It's about an alien who has been sent to earth with eight others to help restore the planet. The first three have been destroyed, and John is Number Four; they can only be killed in sequence, so he is next. It's an action movie, with a little bit of romance. I decided to play up the romance a bit, but made it into a tragedy.

These are the three trailers/ interviews I used for footage:

Here's my version/remake on the trailer:

In my version, it appears as though the female lead, Sarah, does not trust him. Slowly they begin to like each other more but she is still cautious. Close to the climax John says, "You aren't safe here." He's brought danger to her and they need to be careful. The last few clips of the trailer show them running and Sarah is taken away. She falls off a cliff. John is then devastated he could not do anything and jumps. As the veiwer, you aren't sure if they actually die... so watch the movie to find out:). But it actually doesn't exist. So watch the actual I am Number Four.

In the words of Tigger, TTFN!

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