Friday, April 30, 2010

Green, Blue and Gray

I was recently hanging out with my friend at her house, and we thought that the weather was too good to stay inside. I brought my camera that day, so we were goofing around and taking a lot of pictures. Most were of the two of us, but some were of plants and landscapes.

The pictures actually turned out really nice, especially the one shown below.

Even though the sky wasn't perfectly blue, I still like the picture because of the contrast in the bright green leaves compared to the duller blue-gray sky. I like the angle of the leaves and the composition of the pictures, how the leaves are in the corner of the picture. It's cool how you can still see some of the buds of the leaves still blooming, so you can see it's still spring

I also like that it was a spur of the moment picture, instead of actually concentrating and taking many snapshots, it was just one picture that I really liked, and for me, those are when I take the best pictures.

This is another picture I liked; my friend's little cousin gave me some flowers that she picked, and I thought the variety in flowers and the colours were nice, so I took a picture.

I especially like the smaller purple flowers, because they were scattered on the grass in their backyard, and I think that purple with the green grass looked really pretty.

Anyways, that's all for now, so I shall be back soon!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Ian Sheldon

Hey guys,

I was looking for something to blog about today and stumbled on the Canadian, self taught artist Ian Sheldon.

Sheldon paints and does photography. I looked through the his collections of paintings, and I really liked the collection Rural Paintings. I love the old, broken down feel of the buildings, somewhat because I like the country and rural areas, and I want to live in the countryside at some point in my life.

"Fading Red Granary"

I like the colour choices Sheldon uses. In the picture shown above, the red outshines the browns and grays in the paintings, and I like that my eye goes to the red before it wanders to see inside the building. But then I saw other ones where the neutral colours are dominant, but there's an unexpected splash of colour, like the one below, with the light coming through the window.

"A Door Unhinged"

Another collection that caught my eye was Skyscapes. It looks like Sheldon paints the sky at different places and times. I like the variety of colours used in the collection, and how all of them set different moods. I like the picture below because it has a calming mood, and you can tell that the sun is rising.

"October Morning Mists"
Oil on Canvas

Well that's it for now, I will be back soon, and make sure to look at Ian Sheldon's website!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hello, hello everyone!

I just wanted to let everyone reading know that my CyberArts class went to see the Sprockets International Film Festival. Unfortunately I had to miss the first show we went to, which were many short films. On the bright side, I met up with my class and saw a wonderful French film called U.

The "U", I believe is short from unicorn, and it is the name of the main character in the film, a unicorn named U (In the picture on the left).

The film was really entertaining, and I believe it was made in France. I noticed a lot of differences from that animation compared to our typical North American animation. For one, the whole movie looked panted or drawn to me, which I thought was really interesting because I'm so used to animated movies looking like they were made to look realistic or computer generated. Another thing was the bright colours used, which I really liked.

The film is a children's film, which I found a bit weird, because some of the content in it was a bit mature. In Canada it would probably be PG-13, but the culture in France is obviously different from Canada, so it was cool to see what else is out there.

If you want to read a bit about the story line, here is a link I found to a short synopsis (scroll to the bottom of the page).


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Candy Cane Text

Hey guys!

I was looking through some photoshop tutorials and I found a tutorial on how to make text look like candy canes. I thought it was cool so I thought I'd check it out.

You start by making the candy cane pattern as the background. After that you type out the text you want and adjust it (adjustments are shown in the tutorial.) Then you have to select the text (ctrl+click on the text layer). The tutorial is straightforward, so it'll guide you through the rest.

I hope that was helpful! It takes a lot of steps, but the finished product (The image shown is from the website, I'm working on my own right now) looks really cool. I know the holidays have passed a long time ago, but I liked the effect.
