Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Yes, this is late, but better late than never?

A few weeks ago, guest artists came to class to help us with our Shazaam projects. The idea was to take pictures of our school, and bring the positive aspects of our school to the outside. By outside, I mean our pieces have been published to a local newspaper.

For mine, I really wanted to bring out all of the creativity of our school so that other people could see what a positive impact it has made on us.

 Much of my design are just mistakes that I liked. That's my favourite part of the design process: when I have an original idea that I am satisfied with, but I make a random error and I fall in love with it. For me it was the paint splatters.

I was playing around in illustrator and mistakenly copied and pasted it into Photoshop on the back wall; it looked almost as if  paint was splattered on the wall. I liked that idea because it gives he idea that with art at my school, we are limitless. Much of the time we are allowed to do almost whatever we want and we are given freedom to communicate our ideas through design.

I wanted to show that by having "knowledge and creativity" crawling through the halls. I did this with the paint splatters and colourful lines; I also represented the different kinds of art and resources we have with pictures of them or symbolizing them.

One thing I would change would be the fonts; it was a very last minute idea, and I feel like they do not match with my design.

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