Friday, June 3, 2011


I posted the title as (aq) as a chemistry joke, although it's probably not funny, it means aqueous, which is the title of the series of images this blog is about : Aqueous II.

Corny jokes aside, when I saw these, I thought they had been photoshopped for sure, but they are actually pictures of paint being dropped in water.

This reminded me of a mushroom, then it reminded me of a plate; there is a very broad range of interpretations, but then I read what they actually are, and it made a lot  more sense.

There is a certain beauty to these. The artist may have had a specific meaning he was trying to communicate, but to me I see it as taking he picture for the sake of taking it. Sometimes we need that, but then we get inspired by something along the way.

These remind me of dance, which has become a big part of my life in the past few years. There's a flow to it that reminds me of ballet or lyrical (which, by the way, I am way to uncoordinated to even attempt).

The one that really reminded me of dance was this one:

There is something really dramatic about it, especially the yellow paint that is center right. The way it flows is very graceful and fluid. There's a transparency that looks like brushstrokes although it is not a painting.

I also love the colours. They are the three primary colours, but they are not meshed together to create a muddy colour; they contrast each other nicely, especially the yellow.

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