Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rebel Without a Cause... On Stage

Hey guys!

So last night I went to see my old school's main stage. They performed Rebel Without a Cause. When my sister (who is the stage manager) told me that was the play they were doing, I was shocked. It has alcohol, gangs and violence. I wasn't sure how well a bunch of middle school kids would be able to handle all of that maturely.

The play had professional lighting and sound. They even had headsets, to communicate when the cues would be (when to turn the lights on and off, and when to play the music.)

When I went to see it, I wasn't shocked to see that most of the fight scenes were interpreted by dance; that's what we did when I was in the same school's production of Animal Farm. Even though I was expecting it, I still thought it was really interesting that the director would think of something like that to do.

There was one actual fight scene, including knives, (I guess some things are better not interpreted in dance) which was done very professionally, and their stage falls were really good.

The thing I was most impressed about was that there was a technical issue. The lighting board wasn't working at one point; the lights were supposed to go off and the two actors were supposed to exit the stage. When the lights did not go off, they were completely professional and frozen. They didn't even twitch. When they got the signal, they left very professionally. I know many people were talking about how mature they acted, and that's what really impressed me that night.

If I have the chance, I'm definitely going again:)

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