Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hello, hello everyone!

I just wanted to let everyone reading know that my CyberArts class went to see the Sprockets International Film Festival. Unfortunately I had to miss the first show we went to, which were many short films. On the bright side, I met up with my class and saw a wonderful French film called U.

The "U", I believe is short from unicorn, and it is the name of the main character in the film, a unicorn named U (In the picture on the left).

The film was really entertaining, and I believe it was made in France. I noticed a lot of differences from that animation compared to our typical North American animation. For one, the whole movie looked panted or drawn to me, which I thought was really interesting because I'm so used to animated movies looking like they were made to look realistic or computer generated. Another thing was the bright colours used, which I really liked.

The film is a children's film, which I found a bit weird, because some of the content in it was a bit mature. In Canada it would probably be PG-13, but the culture in France is obviously different from Canada, so it was cool to see what else is out there.

If you want to read a bit about the story line, here is a link I found to a short synopsis (scroll to the bottom of the page).


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